FHGC Monthly Newsletter

Forest Hills Gardens Corporation

Monthly News & Updates

August, 2024

What's Going on at the

Community House?

As many homeowners know only too well, when you start a project on an old house or building, it often leads to yet another project. When pool repairs were investigated at the Community House earlier this year, it was discovered that the foundation walls were deteriorated to a point where they were letting water in to the area around the pool. That necessitated an excavation of said walls so they could be repaired before beginning any work on the pool. The resulting sight of "diggers" and huge piles of dirt has provided much excitement to small children passing by.

Gardens Parks Are for Everyone But NOT For Everything!

Our private parks are a cherished part of our community and it's important that we maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone to enjoy them. To ensure the safety of our residents and the tranquility of the parks, certain activities are required to be curtailed.

Ball playing/sports/games, BBQ/outdoor cooking, audible music, commercial gatherings, and classes of any type are strictly prohibited. Birthday parties are prohibited, as are all dogs, even if they are on a leash. Additionally, it is asked that residents enjoy our parks only from dawn to dusk and avoid being in the parks after sunset.

These guidelines may seem extensive, but they are in place to ensure that everyone can enjoy the parks in a peaceful and respectful manner. Let's work together to maintain the beauty of our private parks for ALL to enjoy.

Men's Club

Men's Club of Forest Hills'

Community Building Efforts Endure

"We shall not be burdened by purpose." That was the spirit and sentiment of a small band of men who created the Men’s Club of Forest Hills back in 1913. In fact, it was specifically stated in their original charter. They sought an atmosphere where men could get together and blow of steam while at the same time foster friendships with their fellow FH neighbors.

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Please....Do Your Part

Overgrown Bushes lead to

Impassable Sidewalks

With The Gardens in full bloom this summer, please take a moment to consider if your landscaping is obstructing our community's sidewalks. While many residents do their part to keep their plantings neatly trimmed, some have allowed overgrowth to develop. It is imperative that we keep our sidewalks clear and passable for pedestrians, those walking dogs, and those pushing strollers around the neighborhood. 

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Budget Meeting

FHGC Annual Budget Meeting

is Coming Up!

Be on the lookout! Notifications will be coming out shortly regarding the September Annual Budget Meeting to be held at the Community House.

Big, Scary Wasps are Harmless

With a name like "Cicada Killer," it is understandable that Gardens residents would be fearful of these two-inch wasps, but they are not likely to sting unless threatened. In fact, the males don't have stingers - only the females. They can be found arising from burrows in the soil this time of year, especially around trees, where they lay their eggs. They prey on cicadas for their babies' food and are attracted to sparse lawns and bare, dry soil to dig their burrows. They are kept in check by birds and spiders, and are actually very good pollinators that do not damage plants.

Neighborhood Tree Challenge--can you identify this tree? (answer below)

Give the New Tree On Your Curb Plot

Some TLC

Newly planted trees require approximately 10 gallons of water weekly - ideally watered every 2 to 3 days - to help their roots establish. Please consider giving our recently-planted beauties a good drink during these hot days of summer.

This month's featured FHGC Committee:


The Security Committee plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of Forest Hills Gardens by overseeing all security matters, particularly in managing the partnership with Excel Security, our trusted security patrol company. The chair of the committee takes a proactive approach by actively collaborating with the security patrol and its leadership to diligently monitor and enhance security measures within our community, promptly addressing any issues or concerns that may surface.

In partnership with Excel Security, the committee also fosters a strong partnership with the 112th Precinct to assess and strategize on local and broader security and crime challenges. With a commitment to proactive oversight, the committee convenes 3-4 times annually or whenever the need arises, demonstrating a steadfast dedication to ensuring the safety and security of the community.

All residents should ascertain that their phone's contact list (and those of all family members) has the current contact information for Excel - (877) 897-8086.


Tips for Time

Away from Home

Whether you’re planning a weeklong summer vacation or a weekend away, preparing your home for your time away is as important as what you pack.

Here is a suggested to-do list before you leave:

-Make sure the Gardens office has your updated contact information.

-Place a hold on your newspaper and mail delivery.

-If you have a driveway, move your car there or ask a friend to park their car there.

-Give your car keys to a friend, especially if you are parking on the Gardens streets.

-If not hardwired, charge your video monitoring system and set an alert for motion detection.

-Leave a light on near a street facing window or use smart timers.

-Have a neighbor check your car and/or safely walk around your property to make sure all looks in order.

-Arrange to have a friend or neighbor grab any packages that you may be expecting and hold for you upon your return.

-Set your home thermostat to away mode or just above a comfortable level.

-Secure your valuables in a safe or out of plain sight.

-Check your refrigerator for foods that may be expiring and take out the garbage. No one wants to return home after trash has been marinating in the kitchen for a few days.

-And probably most importantly, do not post your travel details on social media. Instead make a plan to catch up with friends in person to share your pictures and details when you return!

Travel safely and enjoy!

Fun Fact of the Month

A Red-Tailed Hawk chose the Gardens to have two babies (fledglings) this summer.

Click here

to see and hear the mother squawking to her babies!

Have you seen any of our newest residents?

This White Squirrel was spotted around

GWN and Ascan Avenue.

This Red-Tailed Hawk was spotted on

Seasongood Road.

Watch Red-Tailed Hawk Video

If you spot something of interest, please share your photos with the

Gardens office!

Neighborhood Tree Challenge Answer: Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), aka tulip poplar, yellow poplar or tuliptree, is taller than all other eastern broad-leaved trees, and their trunks often have a 7 feet diameter! While Tulip Trees can attain a height of 60 meters (197 feet), it is thought this beauty on Greenway North is at least 150 feet tall already and presumed to be the tallest tree in our community. The large yellowish green tulip-like flowers are up so high in the sky, they often go unnoticed. But take note of the leaves shape -- they also look like a tulip! While this tree's exact age can not be ascertained, it is definitely still growing - 2 to 3 feet each year since tulip trees take 200 years to reach their full stature!

FHGC Board Highlights:

Boundary Survey

Recently, the Gardens Board contracted a local Kew Gardens surveyor, Montrose Surveying Co. LLP, to evaluate and clearly delineate our community's true boundaries. While the Gardens office is in possession of maps from the early 1900s, no updated, formalized record was ever obtained after Robert Moses and the City took over a substantial piece of our property to construct the Interboro Parkway in the 1930s, now known (since 1997) as the Jackie Robinson Parkway.

To make sound decisions, the Board felt it was necessary to confirm where the Gardens property ended and the City's started, especially when it came to incurring paving, sewer, lighting and other maintenance expenses. Now in receipt of their findings, the Board is happy to report that our up-to-date survey coincides with our property deed and our exact borders have been confirmed.

Interested in reviewing the boundary survey? It is available to all residents; simply call the Gardens office staff to arrange a time.

Upcoming Community Events:

-FHG Foundation US Open ticket raffle drawing, Tuesday, August 27, 2024

-Forest Hills Gardens Corporation Annual Budget Meeting: Wednesday, September 26, 2024 7:30 pm (tentative date)

-Deadline for Submissions to Nominating Committee: Monday, September 30, 2024

-Forest Hills Gardens Corp. Maintenance Invoices Distributed (early October)

-FHG Foundation Early Gardens History talk: Saturday, November 9, 2024

Forest Hills Gardens Communication Committee:

Fouad Beydoun (co-chair), Christine O'Brien Beydoun (co-chair),

Wendy Bachman, Courtney Evangelista, Jennifer Meier, Steve Silberberg, Robert Stieglitz, Mona Tata, Catherine Wigdor

Visit our Website at FHGC.org