FHGC Monthly Newsletter

Forest Hills Gardens Corporation

Monthly News & Updates

September, 2024


FHGC Budget Meeting - September 30

Every fall, the community gathers to review the Garden's budget for the coming year. Since the FHGC's fiscal year runs from October to September, this gathering takes place before a new accounting period begins. Put September 30th on your calendar now - meeting will take place at the Community House at 7:30 pm. Copies of the proposed 2024-2025 budget will be mailed to each homeowner in early September, but additional copies will be on hand at the meeting as well. Please note: the Board accepts written comments, suggestions, and questions on budgetary matters from our community members during the annual Budget Meeting.


Maintenance Invoices

Heading to Homeowners -

Few Behind with Payments

Once the budget is approved, it's time for the distribution of the 2024-2025 maintenance invoices. Keep an eye out for them! They will be distributed next month and are due by January 1st.

The timely collection of these charges is crucial for the ongoing upkeep of all aspects of our neighborhood, from our majestic trees, well-maintained streets, inviting lighting, clear signage, to the serene parks, and even the essential storm drains and sewers that quietly work behind the scenes in our charming private community. It is this remarkable collective support (and the heartwarming volunteer involvement!) that fuels the gears of our community, enabling it to function seamlessly and flourish. This shared commitment not only nurtures our homes - our cherished nest eggs - but also ensures that our neighborhood receives the attention it deserves, safeguarding and enhancing our valued Gardens investments to foster growth and prosperity.

As a community deeply rooted in collaboration and shared responsibility, it is heartening to see the dedication of the majority of our neighbors in safeguarding our treasured assets. However, it is with regret that the Gardens must address the issue of non-contributing members who have neglected their responsibilities. The proactive steps taken by our Law Committee, including legal actions resulting in Small Claims Court judgments, exemplify our unwavering commitment to upholding community standards. It is crucial that each resident recognizes their role in preserving the harmony and integrity of the Gardens.

As outlined in our bylaws, Article III, Section 8, notice of outstanding maintenance charges must be given annually, together with the name and address of all members not in good standing. A full accounting will be provided at the upcoming budget meeting.

Audited 2023 Financials Available

To FHGC Members:


Our auditors, Marin and & Montanye, LLP, certified public accountants, have completed the Financial Report, dated July 1, 2024, for the FHGC Fiscal Year ending September 30th, 2023.  It can be accessed here as well as on our website. Additionally, paper copies are available at the FHGC office upon request.   



Eric Almeida


Neighborhood Tree Challenge--can you identify this tree? (answer below)

Bird Migration Through the Gardens

It is that time of year to be on the lookout for migrating birds. Peak fall migration in NYC often occurs between mid-August and mid-October. Forest Hills Gardens is situated directly in the "The Atlantic Flyway" migration corridor. It is one of four major migration corridors in North America. It stretches from Greenland and Nova Scotia in the north along the eastern coast in North America to the tropics of the Caribbean. Since NYC is on their direct path, our yards and parks provide ideal spots for migratory birds to rest and refuel on their epic journeys. 

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Fall in the Gardens....

As fall ushers in some delightful cool, crisp air, and we all breathe a collective sigh of relief, it is time to do a spot of pruning in the garden! Once your summer perennials have finished blooming for the season, cut them back vigorously with a pair of pruning shears. Those plants that benefit from a strong pruning include peonies, roses, black-eyed susans, purple cone flowers, day lilies, daisies, hydrangeas and astilbes. All non-flowering shrubs can also be pruned in the fall, including evergreens, which generally only require a light pruning.

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Tree Trimming to Resume

Tree trimming is primarily done in the spring and fall. As we move out of summer, be on the lookout for Almstead tree service, the certified arborists we have contracted to handle our trees. This time of year, they will focus on deadwood and maintaining a healthy canopy. E-blasts notifying you of the need to clear your car from the targeted streets will be coming out shortly. Planning to be away? Leave your keys with a neighbor and share your emergency contact number with the Gardens office staff to avoid towing expenses.

Spiky balls on Sweet Gum Tree

FHGC Community Workshop

Thursday, September 12 at 7pm

The Community House, 15 Borage Place

The Forest Hills Gardens Corporation invites its members to participate in a Community Workshop with VHB, a nationally recognized transportation planning, design and engineering firm. 

As part of an ongoing effort to optimize the use and safety of FHGC roadways, residents will hear about safety measures that were recently implemented as part of our study and provide input on additional measures that should be taken into consideration. We look forward to seeing you there.

This month's featured FHGC Committee:


The Gardens is proud to have a vibrant, community-oriented committee like the Membership Committee. This committee was created with the aim of introducing new homeowners to our beautiful neighborhood and its workings. Over time, it has evolved into a vital resource for all new residents, providing them with answers to their questions regarding Gardens committees, regulations and restrictions, community activities, and opportunities to get involved. The Membership Committee plays a crucial role in promoting a sense of community and membership among all residents by organizing annual New Members gatherings and other community events, like the upcoming concert in Olivia Park. By fostering a sense of community, the Membership Committee ensures that all members feel welcome and connected to one another. We encourage you to reach out to the Membership Committee with any questions or to learn more about becoming a member.

Thanks Volunteers

Nominating Committee to Homeowners: Please Step Up to Help our Community!

It's that time of year! The FHGC Nominating Committee is seeking volunteers to play a vital role in shaping the future of our community. By joining the board, residents have a unique opportunity to actively engage in neighborhood governance and support, contributing to the growth and development of the Gardens.

Annually, the Nominating Committee eagerly awaits recommendations from our valued property owners for potential candidates to serve on the FHGC Board, ideally candidates that appreciate the rich history and unparalleled beauty of the Gardens, a community steeped in significance.

Whether the individual chooses to self-nominate or put forth a deserving member of our community, the process involves completing a questionnaire to highlight the candidate's passions and skills followed by a brief meeting with the Nominating Committee for an interview.

Board involvement presents a rewarding opportunity to contribute to our storied community's legacy and forge new connections while engaging in meaningful volunteer work. In fact, volunteerism is at the heart of our community, and by participating in the board's activities, residents can make a meaningful impact that enhances the quality of life for all. We encourage residents to step forward, get involved, and be a part of the positive changes that make our neighborhood thrive.

Nominations deadline: September 30, 2024

Telephone the FHGC Office at 718-268-2420 or email FHGCNominate@aol.com

Fun Fact of the Month

All the asphalt removed from our streets were taken to a plant in Willets Point, processed with other roadway materials, and returned to our roadbeds in a matter of days. Recycling at its best!

Opt Against Purchasing Imitation Spider Webs

Halloween is a time for spooky fun, but let's not forget about our furry and feathered friends. When you're out shopping for decorations, keep in mind the potential harm that fake spider webs can cause. While they may look cool, these webs are not only a pain to clean up but can also be hazardous to wildlife. Birds and small animals can easily get tangled up in them, which can lead to injury or even death. So, let's make sure we're being responsible and avoid these synthetic materials. After all, there are plenty of other festive decorations that are both safe and fun for everyone!


FHGC Membership Committee Plans Outdoor Concert in Olivia Park

Weather permitting, the FHGC Membership Committee has arranged for Gardens residents to enjoy a night of music under the stars Sunday, September 15th at 5 pm. More details will be forthcoming. No tickets necessary - just pull out a blanket and join your neighbors in Olivia Park.

Various Stages of Recent Road Paving

New Rules


Setting Out Trash!!

The City of New York is ratcheting up its war against rats! As from November 12th, all property owners, including single-family home owners, must use bins with secure lids to put out their trash. Failure to do so will result in fines of $50 to $200. It is hoped this policy will result in no more black bags of garbage on our streets.

Bins must be 55 gallons or smaller. You can use your existing bins if they can be closed securely, or you can order official NYC bins at

www.bins.nyc or by calling 1-855-NYC-BINS. There are multiple sizes available and they are priced lower than you would find in regular

stores. Official NYC bins must be ordered by October 1st to guarantee delivery by November 12th. Looking ahead, we will all be required to use official NYC bins starting June, 2026.

Further details on this policy can be found by googling “NYC BIN FAQ”.

Neighborhood Tree Challenge Answer: Sweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua, aka star-leafed gum or simply gum ball tree. Scattered on the ground around this tree on Shorthill Road are unique, round spiky, prickly balls, about an inch and half in diameter, with little holes between the prickly parts. These pointy balls house the seeds of the sweet gum tree, and are commonly referred to as “gum balls.” To a lot of animals, the gum ball seeds are food for the winter - enjoyed by many species of birds and squirrels. Be sure to notice the tree's trunk: it is fairly dark, mildly furrowed, and heavy looking. Some say it is similar in appearance to an “alligator's” skin!

FHGC Board Highlights:

National Grid Work for 2024 Completed; Paving and Striping Done As Well

Since National Grid has completed their installation of high pressure lines in our neighborhood for this season, paving work on Ascan Avenue, Continental Avenue, Tennis Place, Exeter Street and Herrick Avenue was initiated. (Approximately two-thirds of the upgrade project is now completed; residents can expect the return of National Grid's contractor, Hallen Construction Co., again next summer to continue work on the project.) Happily, the weather cooperated, our paving contractor was very efficient and all roadways were repaved in just a few days.

Since the final step - installing new striping (yet another contractor) - was added to our newly paved roadways the first week of August, all paving related work in the Gardens is now completed for 2024. Please note that additional crosswalks have been added on Greenway North, as well as double striping, in an attempt to further slow down traffic and enhance safety measures.




Please contact the Gardens office

(call 718-268-2420 or email info@fhgc.org)

It is extremely important that each resident provide the Gardens office with current contact information for staff to maintain on file.

Tree Trimming happens! Emergencies happen! Vacations happen!

Upcoming Community Events:

-Forest Hills Gardens Tree Trimming (various dates possible this month)

-VHB Transportation Workshop: Thursday, September 12, 2024

-Forest Hills Gardens Membership Committee Outdoor Summer Concert: Sunday, September 15, 2024

-Forest Hills Gardens Annual Budget Meeting: Monday, September 30, 2024

-Deadline for Nominating Committee Submissions: Monday, September 30, 2024

-Forest Hills Gardens Corp. Maintenance Invoices Distributed (early October)

-St. Luke's Church Rummage Sale: Friday and Saturday, October 4-5, 2024

-FHG Foundation Early Gardens History talk: Saturday, November 9, 2024

Forest Hills Gardens Communication Committee:

Fouad Beydoun (co-chair), Christine O'Brien Beydoun (co-chair),

Wendy Bachman, Courtney Evangelista, Jennifer Meier, Steve Silberberg, Robert Stieglitz, Mona Tata, Catherine Wigdor

Visit our Website at FHGC.org